Monday, August 21, 2017

Trending -- V*gina Nail

There are some trends that appear online and make me question the originator’s decision to begin said trend. Like, for example, V*gina Nail Art.

I’ve heard of people doing some wild things to their pubic areas – like Vajazzling and Contouring – but decorating their nails with vulvas is a whole new level of out there. Your nails are indeed, something everyone sees on an everyday basis so putting v*ginas on there is a bit ballsy (bad pun).

In retrospect, I do believe that women would embrace this in another way to promote – Girl Power. Yes, I mean #PussyPower. In trying times like these in our great nation – what better way to take a stand than putting your genitals on your fingertips?

Yet on the other hand, human beings are caught up in the process of civilization and several innovations  championed the present day endeavours- but frankly this is awkward and i really think it is not even looking sexy. But i will not also forget to say that it is something new.
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